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Revision as of 18:32, 20 October 2014

The majority of communication in BATTLEGROUND EUROPE is done through a standard ‘text chat’ radio system. The radio interface is displayed as the translucent horizontal bar at the bottom of the screen. This entire interface can be moved to different positions on the screen by clicking and dragging on the translucent element. Also on the right hand side of the bottom the “+ -“ box will expand or shrink the display. The scroll bar button can also be used to review messages that have scrolled off the display.

Basic functionality is simple: press Enter to open the buffer, type a message or Text Commands and press Enter again to send/execute command.

There are six separate “radios” within the chat tool that allow you to customize your communications with various groups of players. Each of the six radios is bound to the function keys F1 through F6 for easy transmitting. You can use the Enter key to transmit on the default radio (usually this is local to the players near you), or simply press the corresponding function keys to open the buffer for transmitting on that specific radio or sets of radios.

You can manually tune any of the six radios by clicking on the channel tuning elements along the top of the display. Clicking here will expand a tuning menu of predetermined channels and a custom tuning field.

Clicking any of these menu items will automatically tune that radio to the selected channel. The Clear button will clear the tuning, and the Custom button allows for entering a soldier’s game name for private communications.

Each radio can also be muted independently by clicking on the tuning element on the top of the display and selecting “Clear.”

Other channels are automatically broadcast without the need to be tuned by a radio. For example, messages from GMs and SYSTEM administrators can be broadcast to all radios without any tuning required. Strategic and High Command broadcasts that are used by the game systems and High Command staff to transmit messages about the war effort (capturing or losing of facilities) to all soldiers on their side are also broadcast independently of your radios and their tuning. These channels cannot be transmitted on by anyone other than Staff and High Commanders.

Also available within the text channels, there are a myriad of Text Commands, also known as dot or help commands.

Colored icons are provided in the chat buffer alongside many incoming messages to identify what kind of message (or what channel it came from) it is. Here is a list of the basic channels and their corresponding icons.

Chat Channel Icon
Social image
Brigade Channel image
Squad Channel image
Private Message / Channel image
Tactical image
Mission Channel image
Objective Channel image
Say (area chat) image
Enemy Say image
Chat Channel Icon
Strategic image
Strategic System Channel image
High Command Channel image
Allied Channel image
Axis Channel image
General / System image
Help Channel image
Game Information image
System Alert image

See Also

  • Allied Radio Channels
  • Axis Radio Channels