Text Commands

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Text Commands

Within the chat interface are a myriad of commands that allow you additional functionality, and access to information. All text Commands can be access by using either . or / in the chat bar.

Shortcut Substitutions

Shortcuts can be entered into the chat buffer to simplify the typing of long names for various things. The correct information is inserted into the text when it is sent to other players.

  • $orig: Inserts your Origin city.
  • $targ: Inserts your Mission Target city.
  • $lead: Inserts the name of your Mission Leader.
  • $unit: Inserts the name of your current Brigade
  • $miss: Inserts the name of your Mission.
  • $town: Inserts the city you are currently in.
  • $here: Inserts the name of the Facility and capture point.
  • $hcid: Inserts short ID of current Brigade

To use these, enter the shortcut as you type. For example, if you are on a mission attacking Antwerp and you send "Air cover needed at $targ", will be seen as "Air cover needed at Antwerp."

General Player

These Commands are available for all Players to use

Basic Information

  • .ammo: To request ammunition from other players.
  • .hc : Provides a by name list of every HC member and what brigade they are currently spawned into - This includes people who are OIC's -
  • .hclist : Provides a name only listing of all HC members online - This includes peopel who are OIC's -
  • .help : Pulls up a list of all text commands that are available to a player
  • .ow : Same as .own
  • .own Shows selected city owner and info about installation captured by attacker. If you don't select a bridge or city it shows info about nearest city
  • .own <city> Shows info about target city
  • .report <text>Sends text to CRS and GMs. For use when suspected Cheating, Griefing, Player Harassment
  • .bug <text> Submit a bug/problem/feedback report
  • .time Provides your local time, and the server time
  • .trainers Will list any trainer currently online
  • .who <player> Displays the Persona, Rank and Brigade of the named player.


  • .1-6 : Shortcut for using the text channels F1-F6 - Example .1 allows you to chat on channel F1
  • .afk : Indicates that you are Away From Keyboard - Places ( and ) around the name of the player - when you return to keyboard type .afk a second time and () will be removed
  • .friends : Lists all players currently on your friends list
  • .friends <player> : Adds or removes another players from your friends list
  • .hqoff : Turns off "HQ" messages (captures)
  • .hqon : Turns on "HQ" messages (captures)
  • .ignore <player> : Will stop text from specified players - will show when they log on -
  • .ig : Same as .ignore
  • .m <player> : Initiates a Private Message to a specified player
  • .orders : Displays current orders for mission
  • .r : Replies to the sender of the last Private Message received
  • .resetradios: Returns your radio channels to the game defaults. Your custom radio assignments are saved on the server, so they are the same on any computer you access the game with.
  • .whisper : Transmits on local channel, but only for short distance
  • .whi : Same as .whisper
  • .w : Same as .whisper
  • .yell :Transmits on local channel (enter) for greater distances
  • .ye : Same as .yell
  • .y : Same as .yell


  • .au : Same as .autoleader
  • .au off : Turns autoleader off (you won't accept ML automatically)
  • .autoleader : Typing autoleader toggles the ability for you to receive leadership automatically on and off
  • .mlist : Shows a list of all players on the same mission
  • .makeleader : Allows current mission leader to pass ML ability to a new person
  • .orders <text> : Allows mission leader to set new orders


  • .invites : turns your ability to accept squad invites on and off
  • .report : For use when suspected Cheating/Griefing/or terrain anomalies are found. All .report text is acted upon by GM's and is additionally reviewed by CRS
  • .wtf Randomly generated message that generally lead one to say "wtf"


  • .conv <Number> : Sets the Convergence distance <In Meters> of your aircraft's guns.


To Access these commands, you must be a member of a squad


  • .who : Displayes a text list of all squad members who are online
  • .who <player> : Displays the player and what brigade that player is in
  • .nowho : Hides you from .who functions


  • .accept : Once recruited, the person asked to join has to accept the invitation
  • .decline : If a player does not wish to join at that time .decline removes the invite
  • .demote : Demotes a squad player
  • .leave : Allows a player to leave a squad
  • .invites : Turns off and on a players ability to receive invites
  • .promote : Promotes a squad player
  • .recruit <playername> : Used to Recruit new members into a squad
  • .remove : Removes a player from the squad

Squad Creation/Leadership

  • .create : Allows creation of a new squad - NOTE - Must have 5 players to start new squad
  • .disband : Disbands current squad (Restricted to CO only)
  • .makeco : Allows for a new CO to be named
  • .resign : Allows Squad CO to resign post
  • .voteco : Allows Squad to vote for a new CO

High Command

These commands are limited to members of the High Command - some commands are further restricted to higher levels of command.

  • .allied or .axis : Allows HC members to broadcast to all players on their side - restricted to Div CO and above
  • .hold : Hold At All Costs (HAAC) - Removes the infantry spawn limits on friendly depots
  • .attack : Allows CP's to become "hot". Once .attack is issued and AO is placed upon the target (CP or Bridge)Multiple HC members are required for this command to execute
  • .defend : Allows placement of Bridge Defense Objectives - allowing bridges to be rebuilt when destroyed/damaged
  • .clear Request to pull out an Attack Objective (AO) in a city or bridge selected in map. Several players are needed depending like .attack command.
  • .delay Request for a delay in a .fallback command
  • .fallback Request a selected city in map to make a Fallback. City must have at least one installation captured by enemy.
  • .hccp High Command Control Panel
  • .oicvolunteer <BRIGADE> Informs your High Command that you volunteer to take charge of your current brigade
  • .oicnominate <BRIGADE> <PLAYER>Notifies your High Command that you nominate the named player to be in charge of the named brigade
  • .oicveto <BRIGADE> <PLAYER> Vetoes the nomination of the named player to become OIC of the named brigade
  • .oicresign <BRIGADE> The OIC resigns leadership of the named brigade
  • .oicreplace <BRIGADE> You replace the current OIC of the named brigade
  • .oicremove <BRIGADE> <PLAYER> Remove the named player from the OIC position in the named brigade.
  • .nextmove <BRIGADE> See the when the brigade is ready to move. Use the shorthand brigade names (up to 6 at once).
  • .lastmove Lists the last few brigade moves