British |
French |
American |
German |
Single Shot (Bolt Action) |
 Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk I |
 Fusil MAS mle 1936 |
 M1903 Springfield |
 Mauser Karabiner 98k |
 Carcano Modello 1891
Semi-Automatic |
 M1 Garand |
 MAS 40 |
 M1 Garand |
 Gewehr 43
 M1 carbine |
 Gewehr 41
Automatic |
Not Currently Modeled |
Not Currently Modeled |
 Browning Automatic Rifle |
 Fallschirmjagergewehr 42 (FG 42)
Sniper Rifle |
 Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk I with Mk III scope |
 Fusil mle 1886 M93 "Lebel" with APX mle 1921 scope |
 M1903 Springfield with Weaver 330 scope |
 Mauser Karabiner 98k with the ZF-41 scope
Rifle Grenade |
 No.68_HEAT_Grenade |
 Viven-Bessière_HE_Grenade |
Not Currently Modeled |
 GewSprGr 30 HE Grenade
Sub Machine Guns
Submachine Gun |
 Thompson Model 1928 |
 Pistolet-mitrailleur MAS mle 38 |
 M1A1 Thompson |
 MP 40 |
 Beretta Model 38
Sten Mk II |
M3A1 Grease Gun |
M3A1 Grease Gun |
 MP 34
Machine Guns
Light Machine Gun |
 Bren Mk II Light Machine Gun |
 Fusil-mitrailleur mle 1924/29 |
 Browning M1919A6 |
 MG 34
Specialty Weapons
Anti-Tank Rifle |
 Boys_Anti-Tank_Rifle |
 Boys_Anti-Tank_Rifle |
 Boys_Anti-Tank_Rifle |
 Panzerbüchse 39
Anti-Tank Rocket |
 M9 Bazooka |
 M9 Bazooka |
Pistol |
 Webley .455 |
 Pistolet_automatique_mle_1935S |
 M1911 Colt |
 Pistole 08 "Luger"
Light Mortar |
 Lance-grenades de 50 mm mle 37
 M37 Mortar |
 5 cm leGrW 36 (Granatwerfer 36)
Engineer / Sapper Equipmenet
Satchel Charge |
Satchel Charge
Repair Kit |
Repair Kit
Grenade |
 No.36M Mk I Mills Bomb |
 Grenade à main offensive modèle 1915 |
 Mk 2 Fragmentation_Grenade |
 Stielhandgranate 24
Smoke Grenade |
 No.77 Mk I Smoke Grenade |
 Grenade fumigène |
 M8 Smoke Grenade |
 Nebelhandgranate 39
Other Equipment
Combat Knife |
Combat Knife |
Combat Knife
Ammo Resupply Can |
Ammo Resupply Pack